Regenerative Medicine

Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, PC

Mitchell Goldstein, MD

Orthopedist located in East Meadow, NY

If you have musculoskeletal pain and other treatments aren’t helping, regenerative medicine could be the answer. Experienced orthopedist Mitchell Goldstein, MD, of Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, PC, in East Meadow, New York, has considerable experience in helping patients recover from chronic pain using regenerative medicine techniques, including stem cells, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and hyaluronic acid (HA) injections. Find out more by calling Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, PC, today, or book an appointment online.

Regenerative Medicine Q & A

What is regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine refers to a relatively new group of related therapies used to promote tissue repair and growth. Substances most commonly used in regenerative medicine include:

  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
  • Hyaluronic acid (HA)
  • Mesenchymal stem cells
  • Cytokines

The substances used in regenerative medicine are all found in the human body, where they use the power of the growth factors they contain to perform vital healing and cell generation functions.

Regenerative medicine therapies are given as injections. Dr. Goldstein uses ultrasound guidance to ensure that the medicine goes to the exact spot where you need it most. This is usually at the site of any poorly healed tissues.

Research suggests the growth factors within the regenerative medicine injection act on your existing cells, stimulating the growth of new cells. Over time these new cells multiply and create healthier tissues that no longer cause such severe pain.

What conditions can regenerative medicine treat?

Dr. Goldstein uses regenerative medicine techniques to treat a variety of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Torn tendons and ligaments
  • Joint adhesions
  • Paraspinal pain
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Sports injuries

Regenerative medicine techniques promote better healing in tissues and can help injuries heal more quickly and more completely than if you let nature take its course. Dr. Goldstein might inject PRP, stem cells, or hyaluronic acid into painful joints including knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, ankles, and wrists.

Regenerative medicine is a valuable treatment option for patients whose pain conditions aren’t responding to conservative therapies. Instead of facing the prospect of undergoing surgery when an injury fails to heal or your arthritic knees are getting worse, for instance, you can now have regenerative medicine injections as an effective alternative.

How long does regenerative medicine take to work?

Regenerative medicine techniques work by generating new tissues, which does take time. Therefore you won’t feel better overnight after receiving your regenerative medicine therapy. After a couple of weeks, you might start to notice a little improvement, which continues over the next few months as your body generates more and more new cells.

Many of Dr. Goldstein’s patients report significant improvement after one therapy session, but some patients require extra injections for optimal effect.

If you’re interested in learning more about the potential benefits of regenerative medicine, call Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, PC, today, or book an appointment online.